Quotes by

Lisa Bonet

Were getting ready to take over the world. My group of girlfriends – were renegades. – Lisa Bonet

Both of my parents would say they were atheists, so where I inherited my connection to God I dont know. But its natural. No Bible, no Torah, just the love religion. – Lisa Bonet

A group of us started a community center in Santa Monica. Weve tried different programs, and three have worked really well. A poetry group. Once a week we visit Venice High and talk to girls at risk. – Lisa Bonet

My mother, brave woman, lost her whole family when she decided to marry a black man in the 60s. When the marriage fell apart, she had to come back to her family. – Lisa Bonet

I have a desire to create more film, more beauty, more art, more love, but I dont feel desperate. Its not about creating or building a career. – Lisa Bonet

I took solace in my relationship with God who, along with my dog, was my best friend growing up. – Lisa Bonet

What saddens me is the corruption of youth and beauty, and the loss of soul, which is only replaced by money. – Lisa Bonet