Quotes by

Joel Silver

There arent a lot of guys like me left. But Im a war horse. Ive been through it all. And you know something about war horses? Through the sleet, through the snow, they just keep going. – Joel Silver

Im a filmmaker and Im proud of the movies Ive made. But in the background of my life I was also very involved in the creation of the sport. – Joel Silver

My movies have always done pretty well in the UK – The Matrix films did very well in this country and I do like the crews here and the people were working with here. – Joel Silver

Well, I havent really been able to shoot in California for a while. Little movies yeah, but the big movies we cant shoot there. Its just a shame that Arnold Schwarzenegger cant deliver on this level. – Joel Silver

I did five movies in Australia, I did three films in Germany, this is the fourth film Ive done here in the UK, Ive done a bunch of films in Canada. – Joel Silver

The only problem is I cant get into PG-13 Land. I just get stuck in R rated movies, which they would love us to make PG-13 movies but I never get there. But I think that youve got to make them different. Youve got to switch them up. – Joel Silver

The dubbing of the music and effects is really incredible today. Youre feeling gun shots. I mean, its not the way people say it is, but the gunshot sounds real. And cars sound real. Among the many things in the evolution (of movies) is to make the sound in the movie incredible. Thats what you feel. – Joel Silver

The core of the movie business remains intact and its not descending in scope. Studios want movies that are bigger than ever. – Joel Silver

A lot of movies were influenced by Logans Run, like Minority Report. A lot of films have those elements in them. – Joel Silver

Im happy with my place in the firmament here. I like to produce movies and thats where I want to be. – Joel Silver

I never really was that passionate about playing sports. But when I was at this Mt. Herman school, I did have the ability to throw the frisbee. So when this sport evolved, it was fun because I was good at it. – Joel Silver