Quotes by

Joel Osteen

Sometimes what works 40 years ago doesnt work today. – Joel Osteen

Ive never preached one sermon on money, on just finances. I want to stay away from it. – Joel Osteen

I dont believe we are supposed to go through life defeated and not having enough money to pay our bills or send our kids to college. – Joel Osteen

You may never get to that perfect world that youre waiting for where everythings going to be perfect and you got that much money and your house paid off. – Joel Osteen

Prospering just doesnt have to do with money. – Joel Osteen

Im not for gay marriage, but Im not for discriminating against people. – Joel Osteen

To me, were marketing hope. – Joel Osteen

I dont know what can be so dangerous about giving people hope. – Joel Osteen

My parents were the same in the pulpit as they were at home. I think thats where a lot of preachers kids get off base sometimes. Because they dont see the same things at both places. – Joel Osteen

A good thing to remember is somebodys got it a lot worse than we do. – Joel Osteen

I think Gods justice is making wrongs right. – Joel Osteen

Gods desire is that we excel. – Joel Osteen

I dont mind saying, you know, that I dont take a salary from the church, and God has blessed me with more money than I could imagine from my books. – Joel Osteen

Im trying to make God more relevant in our society. – Joel Osteen

Im not the judge. You know, God didnt tell me to go around judging everybody. – Joel Osteen

Ive always been – you know, my personality is motivating and encouraging. And so Im just being who God made me to be. – Joel Osteen

I say, dont try to fight your own battles because God will do it. – Joel Osteen

I dont think that a same-sex marriage is the way God intended it to be. – Joel Osteen

Its Gods will for you to live in prosperity instead of poverty. Its Gods will for you to pay your bills and not be in debt. – Joel Osteen

You may make some mistakes – but that doesnt make you a sinner. Youve got the very nature of God on the inside of you. – Joel Osteen