Quotes by

James Taylor

I dont read music. I dont write it. So I wander around on the guitar until something starts to present itself. – James Taylor

Time will take your money, but money wont buy time. – James Taylor

Im very unstable theres no stability in a musicians life at all. You live on a bus or on the road hand to mouth and you dont know where your moneys coming from. – James Taylor

Sobering up was responsible for breaking up my marriage. Thats what it couldnt stand. – James Taylor

People should watch out for three things: avoid a major addiction, dont get so deeply into debt that it controls your life, and dont start a family before youre ready to settle down. – James Taylor

Its probably foolish to expect relationships to go on forever and to say that because something only lasts 10 years, its a failure. – James Taylor

Though Fire and Rain is very personal, for other people it resonates as a sort of commonly held experience… And thats what happens with me. I write things for personal reasons, and then in some cases it… can be a shared experience. – James Taylor

I know there are people who dont like their audience or like the experience of being recognized or celebrated, but my audience has been very good – they dont bother me and when they do contact me its usually on the nicest possible terms. – James Taylor

Performing is a profound experience, at least for me. Its not as if I sit down and play Fire and Rain by myself, just to hear it again. But to offer it up… the energy that it somehow summons live takes me right back, and I do get a reconnection to the emotions. – James Taylor

Im glad about whats happening to the music business. This last crop of people we had in the 90s, who are going away now, they didnt like music. They didnt trust musicians. They wanted something else from it. – James Taylor

Thats the motivation of an artist – to seek attention of some kind. – James Taylor

I believe 100 percent in the power and importance of music. – James Taylor

If you think my music is sentimental and self-absorbed, I agree with you. – James Taylor

Music is my living. I enjoy selling my music. – James Taylor

Music is like a huge release of tension. – James Taylor

Performing is a profound experience, at least for me. – James Taylor