Quotes by

Guy Pearce

I feel I do my best work when its all there on the page, and I feel that the character is very vivid as I read the script and Im not having to create stuff and trying to cobble together something. If I have to do that, then I dont entirely trust what Im doing. – Guy Pearce

Ive been asked to do action-oriented movies in the past and they just havent been right for me. – Guy Pearce

I dont enjoy movies in 3D. I find I cant engage with the story as well. – Guy Pearce

Its funny, though, with films, because you can incorporate a variety of elements, and sometimes that can work for you and sometimes I think it can work against you. – Guy Pearce

You work on things and you have such faith in them while youre making them that everything feels special – in a way. – Guy Pearce

The thing Ive come to learn is that whats great about small independent films is the intimacy and the communication that occurs when youre making them. – Guy Pearce

Success comes in waves. – Guy Pearce

The thrill of coming home has never changed. – Guy Pearce