Quotes by

Gerald Barzan

Success is the ability to rise above principle. – Gerald Barzan

You dont have to fool all the people all of the time; you just have to fool enough to get elected. – Gerald Barzan

As lousy as things are now, tomorrow they will be somebodys good old days. – Gerald Barzan

Laugh and the world laughs with you, be prompt and you dine alone. For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth, but has trouble enough of its own. – Gerald Barzan

Forty for you, sixty for me And equal partners we will be – Gerald Barzan

I wasnt affected by inflation, I had nothing to inflate. – Gerald Barzan

I wish I could be half as sure of anything as some people are of everything. – Gerald Barzan

What is the good of being a genius if you cannot use it as an excuse for being unemployed? – Gerald Barzan