Quotes by

Edward Dahlberg

The machine has had a pernicious effect upon virtue, pity, and love, and young men used to machines which induce inertia, and fear, are near impotent. – Edward Dahlberg

A strong foe is better than a weak friend. – Edward Dahlberg

Always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter. Walt Disney Every decision you make is a mistake. – Edward Dahlberg

Men are mad most of their lives; few live sane, fewer die so. The acts of people are baffling unless we realize that their wits are disordered. Man is driven to justice by his lunacy. – Edward Dahlberg

One cat in a house is a sign of loneliness, two of barrenness, and three of sodomy. – Edward Dahlberg

The ruin of the human heart is self-interest, which the American merchant calls self-service. We have become a self-service populace, and all our specious comforts –the automatic elevator, the escalator, the cafeteria –are depriving us of volition and moral and physical energy. – Edward Dahlberg

We cannot live, suffer or die for somebody else, for suffering is too precious to be shared. – Edward Dahlberg

We are always talking about being together, and yet whatever we invent destroys the family, and makes us wild, touchless beasts feeding on technicolor prairies and rivers. – Edward Dahlberg