Quotes by

Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Every day you either see a scar or courage. Where you dwell will define your struggle. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

I believe that courage is the sum of strength and wisdom. You take away wisdom from the equation – courage may turn to rage. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Be proud to wear you. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Your value is the product of your thoughts. Do not miscalculate your self worth by multiplying your insecurities. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

The horizon, to remind you of your courage, sends its gentle waves of confidence to kiss your feet. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Do not doubt the goodness in you. It is inappropriate. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Change may come to you in trinkets and I hope it adorns your life gracefully. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Get angry, get furious but never crumble to resentment. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

I smile when I look back at the troubles that have strengthened me. What seems to be insurmountable struggles then are now beautiful ornaments illuminating my soul. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

I hope when you count the stars you begin with yourself, and may you embrace the moonlight with your dreams. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Share your sparkle wherever you are. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Let your inner sunshine overcome the passing haze of discontent. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

The soul does not absorb negativity by accident, always by choice. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Negative thinking destroys your brain cells and causes global warming. Source: The Scientific Institute of GetOverIt! – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

They can betray me, but I choose not to betray my peace of mind. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

When I see an opportunity for humor, I grab it! After all, life is too short to be grumpy. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

A friend will remind you that assumptions born of malice are better dealt with by gleefully sticking your tongue out. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

Flowers are those little colorful beacons of the sun from which we get sunshine when dark, somber skies blanket our thoughts. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com

We are the captains of our own ships sailing the sea of life, but in times of a stormy weather, you will discover true friends when they don’t hesitate to be a lighthouse. – Dodinsky, www.dodinsky.com