Quotes by

Daniel Greenberg

So, I see technology as a Trojan Horse: It looks like a wonderful thing, but they are going to regret introducing it into the schools because it simply cant be controlled. – Daniel Greenberg

Educators are still spending way too much time trying to control what kids learn, bending the content to their own purposes, hoping beyond hope to change – by using technology – but not change too much. – Daniel Greenberg

Technology will eventually destroy the way schools are run now. – Daniel Greenberg

Some go on to trade schools or get further training for jobs they are interested in. Some go into the arts, some are craftsmen, some take a little time out to travel, and some start their own businesses. But our graduates find and work at what they want to do. – Daniel Greenberg

Kids are finding out about the potential for discovery online from other sources many of them have computers at home, for instance, or their friends have them. – Daniel Greenberg

But, if you observe children learning in their first few years of life, you can see that they can and do learn on their own – we leave them alone to crawl, walk, talk, and gain control over their bodies. It happens without much help from parents. – Daniel Greenberg