Young feminists have been sold a bill of goods about American feminism. The enormous changes in women over the past 40 years are constantly and falsely attributed to the organized womens movement of the late 1960s and 70s. – Camille Paglia
Quotes by
Camille Paglia
I say the law should be blind to race, gender and sexual orientation, just as it claims to be blind to wealth and power. There should be no specially protected groups of any kind, except for children, the severely disabled and the elderly, whose physical frailty demands societys care. – Camille Paglia
My generation of bossy, confident, baby-boom women were something brand new in history. Our energy and assertiveness werent created by Betty Friedan, unknown before her 1963 book, or by Gloria Steinem, whose political activism, as even the Lifetime profile admitted, did not begin until 1969. – Camille Paglia