Quotes by

Brett Favre

Yeah, maybe if we make that extra point we go into overtime … But if I make that last throw, thats what Brett Favre is all about. … When called upon, I expect to make those plays. So, yeah, I feel like I let this team down. – Brett Favre

I didnt know what to expect coming into this year. There were a lot of question marks, and I think thats obvious now. Can we overcome it? Time will tell. – Brett Favre

Id write over and over, I will not throw into coverage. – Brett Favre

There wasnt a better teacher or mentor out there than Reggie White, on or off the field. – Brett Favre

I played a long time, had a great career up to this point, and can walk away with my head as high as anyone else. – Brett Favre

Were always trying to find ways to lower interceptions and stuff. My nature, Im aggressive. Ill take shots, Ill take chances; therefore, you have mistakes. – Brett Favre

Youre never guaranteed about next year. People ask what you think of next season, you have to seize the opportunities when theyre in front of you. – Brett Favre

With each game I play, each season I play, everyone would agree with me, Im running out of chances. – Brett Favre

I really believe this team has a lot of potential – whether its this year or in years to come, I dont know. – Brett Favre

Its the hand were dealt. Weve put ourselves in this position, and weve got to find a way to get out of it. – Brett Favre

Im happy about my decision and I havent once said, I wonder if I made the wrong decision. I know its the right one. – Brett Favre

So much of a professional athletes success depends upon not necessarily the play itself but how he deals with… always saying how you deal with good, is just as important as how you deal with bad. – Brett Favre

Because after my first year I had a lot of success, took everybody by storm, came back the next year thought it was easy and didnt have near the season I had the previous year. It was kind of a wake-up call. And so, life goes on. – Brett Favre

Its not so much about killing an animal, its being at peace and you dont have to worry about all the other things that go on. Thats a couple of hours a week that you get to escape but its nice to do that. – Brett Favre

Just, you never know what the next day is going to bring. That goes for football, goes for off the field, and I gave up a long time ago trying to predict the future and trying to deal with things I couldnt deal with. – Brett Favre

Well I would say that were regular people first of all and were normal and its obvious by some of the things that have happened just because our name is famous were not immune to tragedy. – Brett Favre

And having a strong family, you know weve lost some members of our family and had some setbacks, but I think a good family and kids all those things I thought at one time… you got to be kidding me… Those things are so important they enable you to go on. – Brett Favre

In spite of reports about playing with various teams, Im enjoying retirement with my family and have no plans to play football. – Brett Favre

The town, the team, its a family. That has helped. For some people who have had to deal with some of the problems I have had to deal with dont have football as an out. – Brett Favre

Im thankful for all the things that this job has given me and my family. But probably the thing that I am most proud of throughout my career is that, not only myself, but my family and the people around me have just been regular people, which we are. – Brett Favre