Quotes by

Arnold Bennett

There can be no doubt that the average man blames much more than he praises. His instinct is to blame. If he is satisfied he says nothing; if he is not, he most illogically kicks up a row. – Arnold Bennett

The people who live in the past must yield to the people who live in the future. Otherwise the world would begin to turn the other way round. – Arnold Bennett

Pessimism, when you get used to it, is just as agreeable as optimism. – Arnold Bennett

It is well, when one is judging a friend, to remember that he is judging you with the same godlike and superior impartiality. – Arnold Bennett

It is within the experience of everyone that when pleasure and pain reach a certain intensity they are indistinguishable. – Arnold Bennett

We need a sense of the value of time — that is, of the best way to divide ones time into ones various activities. – Arnold Bennett

A first-rate Organizer is never in a hurry. He is never late. He always keeps up his sleeve a margin for the unexpected. – Arnold Bennett

Of all the inhabitants of the inferno, none but Lucifer knows that hell is hell, and the secret function of purgatory is to make of heaven an effective reality. – Arnold Bennett

If egotism means a terrific interest in ones self, egotism is absolutely essential to efficient living. – Arnold Bennett

Because her instinct has told her, or because she has been reliably informed, the faded virgin knows that the supreme joys are not for her; she knows by a process of the intellect; but she can feel her deprivation no more than the young mother can feel the hardship of the virgins lot. – Arnold Bennett

Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission. – Arnold Bennett

Beware of undertaking too much at the start. Be content with quite a little. Allow for accidents. Allow for human nature, especially your own. – Arnold Bennett

Having once decided to achieve a certain task, achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste. The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished a tiresome labor is immense. – Arnold Bennett

All wrong doing is done in the sincere belief that it is the best thing to do. – Arnold Bennett

The price of Justice is eternal publicity. – Arnold Bennett

It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is from the top. – Arnold Bennett

Much ingenuity with a little money is vastly more profitable and amusing than much money without ingenuity. – Arnold Bennett

Its easier to go down a hill than up it but the view is much better at the top. – Arnold Bennett

Journalists say a thing that they know isnt true, in the hope that if they keep on saying it long enough it will be true. – Arnold Bennett

We shall never have more time. We have, and always had, all the time there is. No object is served in waiting until next week or even until tomorrow. Keep going… Concentrate on something useful. – Arnold Bennett