Quotes by

Amanda Bynes

I dont like being compared to anyone or being in a class with someone. Im a teen actress and therefore Im competing against Hilary Duff. Were different people like everyone else. – Amanda Bynes

I say I never wanna get married. I feel trapped with the idea of marriage. How can you really be with somebody forever? Id get bored! As I get older, I dont settle. Id rather tell somebody This is what I want – take it or leave it. – Amanda Bynes

I have actor friends, but theyre not famous. I feel like if youre an actor or – famous, you have to overly prove that youre a normal, cool person. – Amanda Bynes

I feel like people start to believe things that people say about them and start to think theyre really important. If you have a family that is down to earth and cool, I dont see how you can be like that. – Amanda Bynes