Quotes by

Alice Walker

As long as the Earth can make a spring every year, I can. As long as the Earth can flower and produce nurturing fruit, I can, because Im the Earth. I wont give up until the Earth gives up. – Alice Walker

Its so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think thats what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every flower Is to bloom. – Alice Walker

My mother was very strong. Once, she picked up a coconut and smashed it against my fathers head. It taught me about women defending themselves and not collapsing in a heap. – Alice Walker

I just like to have words that describe things correctly. Now to me, black feminist does not do that. I need a word that is organic, that really comes out of the culture, that really expresses the spirit that we see in black women. And its just… womanish. – Alice Walker

Im for women choosing whatever they want to do but they have to really know what they are doing. – Alice Walker

War contributes greatly to global warming, which shouldnt surprise us. All those bombs going off, all those rockets, all those planes and helicopters. All that fuel of various kinds being used. It pollutes the air and water of this very fragile and interconnected planet. – Alice Walker

The gift of loneliness is sometimes a radical vision of society or ones people that has not previously been taken into account. – Alice Walker

I dont call myself a Buddhist. Im a free spirit. I believe Im here on earth to admire and enjoy it thats my religion. – Alice Walker

Im sure we, the American people, are the butt of jokes by those in power. – Alice Walker

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they dont have any. – Alice Walker

In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and theyre still beautiful. – Alice Walker

Well, I think indigenous peoples have ways of living on the Earth that theyve had forever. And theyve been overrun by organized religion, which has had a lot of money and power. – Alice Walker

The trouble with our people is as soon as they got out of slavery they didnt want to give the white man nothing else. But the fact is, you got to give em something. Either your money, your land, your woman or your ass. – Alice Walker

Dont wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get youve got to make yourself. – Alice Walker

Politically, the world is so confused right now – theres so much suffering caused by various movements by various parties and people in power in government. – Alice Walker

I think it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field somewhere and dont notice it. – Alice Walker

In search of my mothers garden, I found my own. – Alice Walker

Fiction is such a world of freedom, its wonderful. If you want someone to fly, they can fly. – Alice Walker

The infinite faith I have in peoples ability to understand anything that makes sense has always been justified, finally, by their behavior. – Alice Walker

Im not convinced that women have the education or the sense of their own history enough or that they understand the cruelty of which men are capable and the delight that many men will take in seeing you choose to chain yourself – then they get to say See, you did it yourself. – Alice Walker